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Treasury Department in December announced additional sanctions against Kadyrov himself and six others, as well as a foundation and a mixed-martial arts club linked to him. The United States and European countries have condemned the persecution of LGBT people in Chechnya. Following more threats, the LGBT Network helped the men leave. They were kept in detention for two months, beaten and humiliated, according to Isteyev, who said they were released after they made video statements posted online where they appeared under duress.Īfter their release they were put under the control of police and ordered to remain in contact with them, Isteyev said. The men showed up thinking they were meeting someone from the app and instead they were held.

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Magamadov had been a moderator in a social media group that mocked Kadyrov's government, Isteyev said.ĭuring their detention, police found material on the men's phones indicating their sexuality, Isteyev said. Gays porn videos: kidnapped and got fucked - top rated. They were from men who had been lured to a house on SW 34th through the gay dating app grindr. The two men taken on Wednesday, Magamedov and Isayev, were seized by police in Chechnya last April, according to the LGBT Network. Vladimir Smirnov/TASS via Getty Images, FILE

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